
Hello, my name is Alfonso Mozko H.

Welcome to my site on the Internet!

I bet you’re impressed by this marvel of modern webdev progress, Oh yes, this is the cutting edge of html5! (Not really).

Of course, this was all possible over a decade ago with flash… and significantly less laggy and inconsistently displayed (not mentioning the screen sizes problem), but, um, you know, blame adobe.

And yep, this site looks like a windows 95 computer, how cool isn’t it?You can even maximize and minimize windows (more or less). It’s important to mention that I’m not the creator of this project ( I’m talking about the Jekyll theme ), I just took it half way and squeezed it to achieve this.

If you have been following my blog Un Estudiante de Informática, then you know that I am not a native English speaker, but what can I do? Development world is in English and I couldn’t be left behind. ( It’s my attempt to be mainstream )

It is not usually appropriate to sift through someone else’s computer, however, I encourage you to check every nook and cranny of it.

What will you find on this website?

My resume must be somewhere on this windows 95 computer. I remember to have some shameless links to my social networks, projects and blog, also, I hope to write some articles for this site too (in english of course).

I don’t think I have anything else to say for the moment, so, um, feel free to browse this old computer.

3 object(s)


Hello, my name is Alfonso Mozko H.

Welcome to my site on the Internet!

I bet you’re impressed by this marvel of modern webdev progress, Oh yes, this is the cutting edge of html5! (Not really).

Of course, this was all possible over a decade ago with flash… and significantly less laggy and inconsistently displayed (not mentioning the screen sizes problem), but, um, you know, blame adobe.

And yep, this site looks like a windows 95 computer, how cool isn’t it?You can even maximize and minimize windows (more or less). It’s important to mention that I’m not the creator of this project ( I’m talking about the Jekyll theme ), I just took it half way and squeezed it to achieve this.

If you have been following my blog Un Estudiante de Informática, then you know that I am not a native English speaker, but what can I do? Development world is in English and I couldn’t be left behind. ( It’s my attempt to be mainstream )

It is not usually appropriate to sift through someone else’s computer, however, I encourage you to check every nook and cranny of it.

What will you find on this website?

My resume must be somewhere on this windows 95 computer. I remember to have some shameless links to my social networks, projects and blog, also, I hope to write some articles for this site too (in english of course).

I don’t think I have anything else to say for the moment, so, um, feel free to browse this old computer.